
Radhe Plastic Ltd > News > Business
The Importance of Sustainable Packaging: A Step Toward Greener Future
  • Posted by: Kishan Pindoliya
  • Category: Business
Environmentally friendly, disposable, recyclable tableware

Every year, approximately 32% of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging manufactured ends up in our oceans, which is like dumping one garbage truck’s worth of plastic into the ocean every minute. This alarming rate is projected to double to two trucks per minute by 2030 and quadruple to four per minute by 2050….

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Battery Operated vs. Pneumatic Strapping Tools: Which one is right for you?
  • Posted by: Kishan Pindoliya
  • Category: Business
Pneumatic Strapping Tool

Strapping tools are the unsung heroes of the packaging and logistics industry. These essential devices play a pivotal role in ensuring that goods are securely bundled and ready for transit. whether plastic or steel bands are essential for fastening loads with strapping material. Among the different varieties available, are manual, battery-powered and pneumatic strapping tools….

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Understanding the Elaborated Process of Recycling PET Bottles
  • Posted by: Kishan Pindoliya
  • Category: Business, Plans
New Project

Reducing plastic waste and finding sustainable ways to manage plastic waste is a pressing issue in today’s world. While it is challenging to eliminate plastic waste entirely from our lives. However, the world continues to take various actions against the global environmental impact of plastics. However, many companies are revising their operation to implement sustainable…

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When to Use a Pneumatic Strapping Tool
  • Posted by: Kishan Pindoliya
  • Category: Business
Pnuematio strapping Tool

The Pneumatic PET strapping tool is a clever packaging solution engineered for Polyester (PET) strapping. They are powered by compressed air and are commonly used in heavy-duty applications. They are faster and more powerful than manual tools and are often used in industrial settings. Our AQD-19 Pneumatic PET strapping tool is designed for heavy-duty strapping…

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Recyclable PET Strap for Sustainable Strapping Solutions
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business

Sustainability has brought a new focus to the Plastic packaging industry. There have been so many innovations when it comes to PET strapping solutions lately. Recycling PET is the latest innovation for strapping solutions. The basic principle of preparing PET straps is to use waste plastic bottles for the production of straps. The bottles are…

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The Complexity of Recycled PET
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business

Do you know that only 9% of the world‘s virgin plastic gets recycled, and the rest are dumped into landfills? Also, in 2020 due to the pandemic recycling rates plateaued because of unsorted plastic waste. The Global pet bottle recycling market is growing at a steady pace with a rising strategy by big companies expecting…

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Plastic Waste Problems in Kenya: Empowering Change through Sustainable Solutions
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business
Plastic Waste Recycling
In Kenya, plastic waste has emerged as a significant environmental problem, with far-reaching concerns for ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. The widespread use and incorrect disposal of single-use plastics have polluted land, rivers, and oceans, posing major challenges to the country's sustainable development. However, there is hope. We can work together to tackle Kenya's plastic...
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Wavuti Strapping Material: Strong and Durable Packaging Solution
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business
Wavuti Strapping Rolls
In today's fast-paced world, packaging plays an essential role in ensuring that products are transported and stored safely. Strapping materials are one of the most popular packaging solutions, as they provide a reliable and cost-effective way to secure goods. Wavuti Strapping Material, developed by Radhe Plastic, is quickly becoming a game-changer in the industry. In...
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The New and Improved Calypso Hose: A Game-Changer
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business
Hose Pipes
The Calypso hose from Radhe Plastic is a popular choice for consumers in the market for flexible hoses. However, the company has recently released a new and improved version of the Calypso hose that is taking the industry by storm. In this article, we will explore the features of the new Calypso hose and discuss...
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Recycling in Kenya: A Step Towards a Greener Future
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: Business
Re Cycology
Kenya is a country known for its incredible natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and unique culture. Unfortunately, it is also a country that faces significant challenges when it comes to environmental sustainability, particularly concerning plastic waste. In recent years, however, there has been a growing movement towards recycling in Kenya, driven by the urgent need to...
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